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Currencies and payouts

Currencies available for balances and payments

Updated over 2 months ago

You can withdraw money only after one of the three balances (EUR, USD, or RUB) has been funded.

Balance funding

Payment for works or services is credited to the freelancer's balance when the task has been paid for and its status has changed to "Paid." The money arrives in the currency of the task. You need to withdraw funds from each balance for each currency separately. You can't make transfers between differently denominated balances.

Withdrawal currencies

  • Withdrawals can be made from any balance, but there may be restrictions on the payment currency imposed by the payment system.

  • Upon withdrawal, the freelancer can choose the payment currency from those available for the selected payment method. If the payment currency differs from that of the balance, the amount undergoes automatic conversion.

  • Euro-denominated withdrawals to crypto wallets are converted into USDT. The conversion is done using the payment partner's rate, which is shown on withdrawal confirmation and updated every 60 seconds.

Payment methods and applicable currencies (managed by TMS)

Payment method

Payment currency

WebMoney (WMZ)


Crypto wallet

(payment partner converts EUR into USDT)

European bank account

SEPA payments


Bank accounts in 29 countries


(the bank converts USD into the national currency)

VISA, Mastercard

  • EUR, USD (banks of any country except Russia)

  • RUB (banks of Kazakhstan, Armenia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan)

Payment methods and applicable currencies (managed by FRWD)

Russian individual entrepreneur's bank account



RUB (banks of Russia)

Conversion rate

Starting June 20, 2024 we have updated the conversion rules. This is due to the latest US sanctions.

The exchange rate changes once a day. It is updated at 00:00 UTC. You can always look at the latest data in your personal cabinet or before withdrawal.

We use partners. Unlike banks, we do not exchange currency ourselves because we do not have the right to do it — it requires a payment license. Therefore, our partners are in charge of converting foreign currency into roubles.

The exchange rate depends on many factors. For example, partners look at the economic situation, currency volatility, international restrictions on money transfers, the number of banks outside that still conduct operations with rubles, and so on.

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