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How to create tasks

Step-by-step guide on how to create tasks for freelancers

Updated over a month ago

The instructions below describe how to manually create tasks.

1) Go to the Tasks section and select Create.

2) Select the Contractor to perform the task.

If they're not on the list, send them an email with an invite, and then select their email or name from the drop-down list. The list also shows the contractor's tax status, which you can use in your search. The tax status determines the commission amount for tasks according to Mellow’s pricing.

Task group is an optional field. Leave it as default or select a group from the list. You can create a new group by combining several existing tasks.

Under Deadline, specify the task completion date.

Important! You can select any date starting with the next day after you set the task.

3) Select the task's Category. The category is not included in accounting documents.

Mellow currently lists more than 20 categories of works/services, adding new ones as needed.

As an example, let’s select Internet advertising.

Important! If your task revolves around online advertising and your target market is Russia, you'll see the "Mandatory ad labeling" section.

You can act as the end advertiser or an intermediary (for example, if you represent an ad agency). Select the appropriate role.

Option 1. You're the end advertiser. You'll need to fill in the contract data (number and date) and provide details on your company: its name, TIN (Taxpayer Identification Number), and Business Registration Number. You can do this by clicking "+" next to a field to bring up the form:

Option 2. You're an intermediary. Intermediaries need to supply data for both themselves and the end advertiser. Required fields are marked with an asterisk.

If there are any other intermediaries between you and the end advertiser, you can also add them to the chain. These intermediaries need to be your direct clients. To add an intermediary, click the blue "+" icon.

Handing tasks over to freelancers. Here, everything is same as usual: you fill in the task's attributes, check the necessary boxes, and proceed to the final steps.

If you've already received a token (ID) from the Advertising Data Operator (ADO), don't forget to give it to the contractor. You can add it to the task description.

Instructions for freelancers

Freelancers working on tasks related to online advertising must get verified, add their TIN, and link their phone number to the account.

Those who'd like to report to their ADO by themselves will find all the necessary data within their tasks.

4) Under Service name, choose the type of service your freelancer will be performing. This information is not included in the accounting documents.

Let’s go for Ad placement at websites.

5) Service name in report is included in the accounting documents generated by Mellow and is populated automatically.

6) Fill in the Attributes.

Each service has its own set of attributes, that is, quantifiable parameters of the task. The attribute values are included in the Mellow accounting documents. At least one attribute is required.

7) The checkboxes let you select different options:

a. Task requires IP rights assignment: If checked, the freelancer must attach task results (a file or a link to a file) prior to finishing the task. These attributes (files or links) are included in the accounting documents.

b. Report needed: The freelancer must attach a report file. This is not included in the Mellow accounting documents.

c. NDA: The freelancer will need to agree to an NDA. Contact us if you need this option.

Click Continue.

8) In the next field, specify the task’s name and description. These are free-form and are not included in the accounting documents.

You can upload additional files for the freelancer, if necessary.

9) Under Task price, enter the freelancer’s remuneration.

Important! The task can only be denominated in your company’s currency (RUB, USD, or EUR). The system will automatically factor in the commission.

Important! The amount cannot exceed the annual limit of the freelancer’s tax status (only relevant for freelancers from Russia):

- Not-verified individual: RUB 15,000

- Self-employed: RUB 2,400,000

- Individual entrepreneur: RUB 200,000,000

- Verified individual: No limit

Note, you can share 1% of the commission with your contractor, for example, if the task costs 1000 rubles, the contractor will receive 990 rubles (minus 1%).

Note, for clients from the USA, we will automatically calculate the sales tax if it applies to the selected service.

10) When everything is ready, click Create task. If any required fields are left empty, the task will not be created.

11) The task will appear in the task list with the status New

12) The freelancer will receive an email with the information about the new task. They’ll need to confirm and then start the task.

13) After the freelancer completes the task, its status changes to Customer approval. You can accept/cancel the task or return it for corrections within 15 calendar days.

14) After you accept the task, you need to pay for it within 60 calendar days.

You can configure the column view by clicking Columns in the upper-right corner of the task table.

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